Thursday, August 20, 2015

            I kind of and kind of don't like the 20 time. It seems like it would be fun but I know that I won't work the whole time probably because as soon as I get some research done and think that I am done with the project I will not want to work on it anymore and then it will become boring and unproductive. I will just be wasting class time and do nothing. Then when it comes to the end I will probably think I will need to do more and I will and then I will probably have to work after school because I didn't use all of my class time and I don't need another project. I also don't have any ideas that would last a whole semester of research. So I think it would be a good idea for someone who has something they really want to learn about. But I know I will probably be bored o my idea after the first two weeks. Great idea but I don't want another project to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the good news is that it sounds like you know what all your pitfalls and danger zones might be when working on a project like this! Knowing where trouble might affect your ability to perform your best is half the battle. Now you just need to find ways to avoid the issues you mentioned in your post. Remember that you can always come to Ms. Sutton or me to talk about ideas or issues you come across while thinking about this project. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
    -Ms. Seiffert
