Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mrs. Sutton
A English 9th
Drew Kaltenberger

        Its kinda funny you know, how back in the 1960's a good portion of middle to upper class American families had a private fallout bunker in their possession. I cant imagine having a bunker under my backyard with 3 feet thick concrete and steel reinforced walls and a 2 foot thick steel door. Many were equipped with generators and water filters, making them able to sustain a family for months. but how practical were they in reality? none were ever used, so they were never truly put to the test. sure, there are all sorts of bunkers that are state of the art, but they are way outside the budget of the average family. The average family income during the year of 1965 was just above 5,000$, but money went a long way back then. My proposal is to discover the how realistic it is to create a actual functional fallout shelter within that budget.

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