Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I decided I am going to do best tips to staying on a tube, while boating, for my 20 time project. This week I established the topic that I would be spending my time on for 20 time. Right now I am going to be testing this myself to see what I think works best , I will go boating on my own time. This will give me a baseline of ideas or information I experienced on my own. After testing on my own I hope to then research what other people think are helpful ways to hold on longer while tubing. Then I will ask other people what they do then this will lead me into starting to make my presentation. I was difficult for me to choose a topic but I chose something I am passionate about.

AIRHEAD AHSL-4W Slice 2 Person Towable TubeBoating Tube. N.d. Web. 1 Sept. 2015.

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