Monday, September 28, 2015

20 Time Week 4

During the course of this week, I have been accumulating views for my first video!  However, I did delete it off youtube because of a spelling error.  After I fixed it, I reposted it, but my views have disappeared!  Please help it gain more views and go to !  I’m so excited because I’m really starting up my blog.  Many have seen it and many have replied and complimented my work! Currently, I am putting together my elevator pitch for presenting on Wednesday.  I am planning to post this on my blog as well!  On top of this, I am thinking about new recipes for my next tutorial!! So tune in! ;)

So I Guess You Could Say Things Are Getting Pretty Serious. Digital image. Memecrunch. Memecrunch, 25 Feb. 2014. Web. 28 Sept. 2015.

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