Wednesday, October 21, 2015

20 Time Week 8

This last week I have been creating and shaping my recipe for a Halloween treat tutorial.  My previous video showing how to make “Think Pink Punch” already has many views and some comments!  My next recipe will be a dessert.  I would like to finish the recipe before the weekend so that I can film the actual video this weekend.  I would like to post it this weekend because if others were to make it for Halloween, the recipe would be needed before Halloween.  Remember to tune in to Just making sure everyone is prepared!  Overall things have been moving smoothly and without trouble.  I have been sticking to my new plan of posting every two weeks, and the work has been a lot better.


Chasing Fairytales. Scar from Lion King singing "Be Prepared" Digital image. Chasing Fairytales., 17 June 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.

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