Wednesday, September 16, 2015

20 Time: First 5

This week I found a way to explain and describe the first five dimensions in what I would say is a simple form (at least for a topic like this)
1: A single point. Nothing more. Simply a single point similar to one on a coordinate grid, but literally sigular with no height or width or length or anything. Just a point. (a point)
2: conects two of the point from the first dimension. Has only length or width unless paired with another two dimensional line. ((a line)
3: The easiest to understand and grasp. The dimension we live in. Everything has length, width and depth. Each impossibly small layer of every object is a two dimensional object, many stacked together to make a 3 dimensional object. Allows you to fold a 2 dimensional line through this 3rd dimension and in a way, allows 2 dimensional object to apear as if they are almost teleporting from one spot to another. (a fold)
4: As many people may know, this dimension is considered to be time. It takes each moment in the lifespan of everthing, whether it's the universe, me, a goldfish, a dinosaur, it doesnt matter, into a single point on the plain of the 4th dimension. So, each object in the 3rd dimension has a set of points in the fourth dimension for each moment. (a point)
5: This is where it begins to get a little bit more complicated. The fifth dimensions connects the points in the 4th dimension to make a line. So, everyone's life would have a live, with newborn you at one end of the line and you getting olderas the line progresses. Each person has their own line, but it might intersect with other lines when experiancing different things, intereacting with different people/objects, etc. (a line)
In case you didn't notice, there is a pattern with how the dimensions are represented. It will coninue the pattern of point, line, fold, all the way up to the 10th dimensions
Ready for the complexity of the rest of this project.

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