Monday, August 17, 2015

The article, "An Open Letter to Ninth Graders" by Patrick Sullivan wants young high school freshmen to know the expectations in college and the ways to get prepared for college coming up in a few years. Patrick Sullivan wanted to express that the importance of what professors have said are helpful to your experience as you go through college. For example, Patrick Sullivan said how you should love reading due to the fact that you have to read a lot during college.  Our group agreed with the fact that to be successful you should have good self discipline. Also, how reading and writing is important throughout college. The big disagreement we had with the letter was the fact that you have love reading and writing. People may not love reading but that doesn't mean their college experience wasn't as good as anybody else. "An Open Letter to Ninth Graders" is a letter that gives high school freshmen helpful advice on what to be prepared for college.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely structured summary with smooth transitions throughout.

    Work to eliminate second person "you" from writing: "...was the fact that a student has to love reading and writing..."
