Monday, August 17, 2015

Open Letter to Ninth Graders

          The article "Open Letter to 9th Graders" by Patrick Sullivan informs High School students how to prepare themselves for college. Patrick Sullivan believes that there is a expectation gap for specific skills and abilities between high school and college for most students. For college, there are six skills and qualities to allow students to thrive and express themselves. Each quality allows students to grow in academic and behavioral competence. High School students that are ready for college need to learn how to like to read for pleasure. College students need to pace themselves and never procrastinate. When High School students go to college, they need to learn how to gain information by listening to their professors. When students go to college, they need to be prepared with their writing, listening, and reading abilities.

1 comment:

  1. Well structured paragraph with examples from the article to support. Nicely done!

    Note: Only capitalize high school when it is a proper noun: Windsor High School
