Monday, August 17, 2015

The article, "Open Letter to 9th Graders" by Patrick Sullivan informs high school students on how to prepare for college. He wants students to walk into college ready for the classes and expectations. He focuses on several main points that will make one a successful college student. He believes strong writing, reading, and listening skills are important to do well in college level classes. You should not walk in thinking you know everything, but rather be open to learning and expanding your knowledge on a topic. Listening is important because that is how you will learn more and grow as a student. Also, going into college one should be mature. There will be many distractions and being able to focus on school work will make a great student. One point that is disagreeable is that you have to love reading to be successful. One may hate the reading they are assigned, but if they work hard they can still receive a good grade. Also, reading for pleasure may help you a little, but even if you dislike reading you can have great reading skills. Something from the article that many can agree on is that listening is very important for learning. The professors are there to help students and listening to them helps you learn what you need to know for the class. Patrick Sullivan tries to prepare high school students as much as possible for college so more people succeed instead of fail when they reach college.

1 comment:

  1. Well structured paragraph with nice support to back up ideas.

    Note: work to eliminate "you" from formal writing. Replace with third person pronouns/nouns instead. Ex: "...reading for pleasure may help a student a little..."
