Monday, August 17, 2015

Open Letter to 9th Graders Response

As a group we concluded that Patrick Sullivan created this article to make sure high school students know what to expect through the transition from high school to college. "I am advising you to set clear and specific long-term goals for yourself and then work incrementally over a period of time to meet them," was one of his quotes that as a group we agreed strongly with. Patrick also says to expand you knowledge in subjects you may not feel comfortable with and not keep a closed mind. We also agree that maturity is a big part. You need to have fun but be respectful and mature. We mostly disagreed with the section on reading skills. As long as you have determination to do your work you don't have to act enthusiastically about what you do. You need to have self discipline to put aside time to do your work even though you don't want to.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to start your summaries with the author and text title to give credit to the creator of the article. Also be careful of copying/pasting; as in this post, it will often change the font to something different.
