Thursday, August 20, 2015

Response to 20 Time

          To me, 20 Time is a great idea for Wizard Wednesday because we only have around 45 minutes in the class. Mostly, I think it is a good idea because it gives us a break from whatever we are doing during normal block schedule. However, I could hazardous because it is going off of topic that we went over the previous day. Although there can be some negative energy towards 20 Time, I think that it is a great idea.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand why you might be worried about getting off topic. However, any project you choose to work on will require you to utilize skills that will help you succeed in a lot of your other classes. I think that, once you get into the flow of working on a project, you’ll see how fun and educational discovery and research can be!
    -Ms. Seiffert
