Thursday, August 20, 2015

20 Time Crownover

I think that 20 time is a great idea. It gives us a chance to relax and think about the things that we enjoy. 20 Time also makes up a good use of Wizard day in our 40 minute time period. The only downfall of 20 time is coming up with an idea and being able to research that idea and create a full project on it. That's all I have to say about 20 Time.

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad that you are looking forward to working on a new project on Wednesdays. I know that working on one project for a whole semester may seem like a lot now. However, once you get going, you’ll be amazed how quickly the time flies! As you research, your project will grow. As your project grows, you learn more and more. The more you learn, the better your project becomes! It is a spiral that never stops, and it is wonderful!
    -Ms. Seiffert
