Monday, August 17, 2015

In "An Open Letter to 9th Graders", Patrick Sullivan attempts to clearly explain the expectations of a college student from his point of view as a professor. He states that the incoming college students will need the proper reading, writing, and listening skills, and that they should take the time in high school to develop them. The students will have to be open to new ideas and refining their skills, and perseverance and self-discipline will be an important part of that experience. We agreed with a majority of the article, and also believe that our skills will be reliant on each other and that we will have to keep an open mind during the process. Individually, we disagreed with separate pieces of the article. One of us was reluctant to compose multiple drafts of essays, stating the belief that you should put your best work forward first. The second person in our group didn't believe you need to enjoy reading, but rather just do it and absorb the material. Lastly, socializing was a topic mentioned in the article once, but in a derogatory context. We believe that in moderation, socializing will keep you mentally healthy and lest stressed during college. Overall, beside the minor disagreements, we have learned about the skills we will need in the future for college, and that now is the time to perfect them.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely structured paragraph with references to the article to support and lots of transitions to help your paragraph flow. Well done!

    My note: While it's important to put effort into a first draft, think of how awesome a post can get when one completes multiple paragraphs, refining as she goes along! Thanks for sharing your opinions!
