Monday, August 17, 2015

In the article "Open Letter to 9th Graders" by Patrick Sullivan, he explains that high school students need to be ready for college and they need to know how to prepare for college.  He states that there is a lot a student can do to get ready for the college experience.  High school students, as he explains, need to know what skills they need to have academic success.  He wants them to know what to prepare for while they go through high school so they can be ready for college.  As Sullivan says in this article, "This letter is an attempt to state those expectations."  We agree with the fact that high school students need to be ready for college at the end of high school.  They need to know the expectations and come into the college atmosphere mature and ready.  We disagree that high school students should have to write on the college level.  We think that high school students should be able to write on a high school level.  Lastly, we think that you don't necessarily have to enjoy reading to do well in college.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely structured paragraph with smooth transitions. Yahoo!

    Be sure to explain why you believe the way you do.
