Wednesday, October 7, 2015

20 Time Week 6

This week, I mainly focused on creating and presenting my elevator pitch.  Now that I have presented, I am moving onto a regular schedule of making new recipes every two weeks.  But I’m already getting ahead of myself!  My next post will hopefully be the 17th, and I haven't thought of a recipe for that week!  But I have already thought of a recipe for Halloween!  Right now I am working on managing my time to get them both done.  This week, since I need to focus on my upcoming post.  I plan to create a recipe that is more of a snack because I have already made an entree.  I would like to appeal to all different cooks! Slow Down, Bro. Digital image. Quickmeme. Quick Meme, n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015.

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