Wednesday, October 21, 2015

20 Time Update

This week I accomplished a lot on my 20 time project! On Wednesday, I was able to watch more of the PBS documentary. It is extremely interesting and I can't wait to share some of it in my final presentation. Also this week, I posted to my Instagram account. I am really happy to say that my account is catching some peoples attention. Although I don't have very many followers, people are still looking at my account! After all that is how all huge accounts started. I have even gotten to talk to some of my followers over the Instagram direct message and hear some of their stories. Right now, I am working hard on making my Instagram account the best it can possible can. I have looked at some different routes I could take and really focused on making it personal. The next step in my plan is to really start wrapping up my research, and dig into my final presentation!

Working Hard. 2012. The Myth of Working Long Hours, n.p.

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