Wednesday, October 7, 2015

20 Time Update on Twilight

I'm still reading the "Twilight" saga, and I'm getting quite frustrated. This book is just an echo of the previous one and halfway though, I'm wondering when it will get interesting.

I feel like this series would be a billion times better if Edward and Bella were completely removed from the story. A book about just the werewolves and vampires or novels about each of the Cullens could be amazing. The thing that annoys me is that Stephanie Meyer can write fairly well, but the plot and characters of the book are too annoying to do anything with.

I need to finish the saga, and then I can start crafting a presentation explaining why the novels are so popular. 
Twilight vs. Tangled: The Proper Reaction. N.d. Pinterest, n.p. Comp. Ellen Johanne Melby.

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