Monday, August 17, 2015

"Open Letter to 9th Graders" Review

The article "Open Letter to 9th Graders" by Patrick Sullivan is an enlightening letter that informs freshmen/9th graders what they need to know about language arts for college. We all agreed with the majority of the letter, except for a few main points. We disagreed with the fact that even though you have to read and do homework, you don't have to love it. Even though this is helpful and can improve your grade and experience, it won't necessarily make you feel better emotionally. It might improve your grade but it will most likely make you tired when you have late nights and probably make you stressed because you may worry that you won't get it done in time. Another thing that we disagreed with is the part that Sullivan said that immature people can't usually be productive in college. One of the parts of being in college, in my opinion, is the fact that you can get more mature and become less immature in your life. Immature people can become mature from being in college, and can be successful. Apart from those things, we agree with the rest of the article, which was really well thought out and helpful to freshmen/9th graders.

1 comment:

  1. Nice opening to the paragraph that sets it up to be structurally sound. Work to eliminate "you" in formal writing. Replace it with a pronoun/noun that is more neutral: "...the fact that a student can get more mature..."
