Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Vegetarian for a week

For my project that Reis and I are doing for 20 time would be to be vegan for a week. What we are going to do is eat our regular diet that includes meat, vegetables,fruit, pasta, and everything we would normally eat. During that week we are going to record everything that happens. The next week we are going to go vegan. What that means is to not eat any meat that has come from animals. That means no hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, tacos, or anything along those lines. Since most of us are prone to that I just wanted to see how we will react when we can’t have something we are so used to eating for one week! We will record how we feel and what we ate everyday! This may either work really well or not we will have to see! 
Image result for vegetarian picture
Vegitarians! Digital image. Cook! Vegitarian. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.

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