Thursday, September 3, 2015

Twenty Time: Research

Lately, I've been looking into the topic of human-spider interaction. I am well aware of the see-then-kill methods that we have on spiders, but why should we NOT do that? Well, so far, I have gathered data saying that spiders are helping you most of the time, not hurting you. They rid your house of worse pests, they are clean and don't eat your food, and they hardly would ever bite you. Some spiders CANT even bite you. But the thing about spiders is that our hatred for them is literally weaved into our DNA. ancestors have learned the hard way that spiders can be not so friendly on occasion, and in turn for that they have the fear of spiders expansive enough for us, their far descendants, to carry on. Pretty crazy. Plus, spiders are creepy when you are forced to stare at them and feel sympathy because your fellow humans kill them on a regular basis.

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