Wednesday, September 2, 2015

20 Time Blog Post 1

Hi! This is my first blog post about my 20 time project (obviously) and I just wanted to share what I was going to do and how I’m going to carry it out. For 20 time I’m going to write a book. I’ve wanted to for a very long time, and I’ve been working on it for almost three years now. I decided that this would be a really good opportunity to do what I wanted and to share my talent with others. I’m going to carry this out by writing and planning and editing it every day, and focusing on each aspect of the story separately until I can put all of the story together into a novel. After I do this, I’m going to edit it and edit it until it’s the best it can be...and then edit more because it will probably never be perfect. I will then share it with people and see how they like it, and then modify it if needed. That’s about it for this blog post!

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