Wednesday, September 2, 2015

20 Time Update

This week I was able to finish my proposal for my 20 Time project of student athletes compared to students that aren't involved in their school. Also, I began my Elevator Pitch that I will present on September 23. I want to be able to show my goal through the 45 seconds to 1 minute time limit and have other students intrigued in my project. I plan to continue my pitch and make it the best it can be. Also, I will have to practice the pitch so that it will be within the time range given and so that I don't forget the main points of the project.
Global Venture Labs Investment Competition elevator pitch
Mueller, Tracy. "Giving an Actual Elevator Pitch in the UT Tower Elevators."UT News. University of Texas at Austin, 09 May 2014. Web. 02 Sept. 2015.

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