Tuesday, September 1, 2015

20 Time Proposal

I was incredible, hopelessly uninspired by any ideas I came up with for my 20 Time project. That is, until I was reading through a list of suggestions when I came up with one that seemed to be right up my alley. Three words: The Piano Project. A couple years ago, my grandfather gave me a keyboard for Christmas. The only problem: I don't play piano. I've been wanting to learn how to play the piano, but aside from simple lessons and finding out how to play songs by ear, I haven't learned how to play the piano and am very interested in doing so. I have decided that for my project, I will be combining my love of music, viola, and piano, along with some help from close friends to create an album of covers of songs, and hopefully some original songs. I enjoy singing and creating music and hope to incorporate those loves into a collection of videos or audio recordings with compositions with a range of instruments. As someone who gets goose bumps from music, I hope to reach those who are less than inspired by music and share how music has revolutionized my life, all while practicing the arts I am truly passionate about and bettering my musical abilities. I'm sure my piano is itching to be played and a little practice for orchestra never hurt, so I am extremely excited for the musical path that I have ahead of me. Now if only I could decide what song to do first!

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