Thursday, August 20, 2015

20 time

My thoughts on 20 time is that even  though we get to do whayt we want I would still rather just stay on the topic that we were on and the project we are on because this is going to just end up as extra work that would distract us from the task that we have at the moment just making the task last longer. Also if someone doesn't find a topic they enjoy then they will just have work pile up and might have a lot of homework at one point. There is some good atributes to it like giving 20 percent of to time to let us do what we think should be done to help us grow.

1 comment:

  1. I can see where your worries come from, Eli. However, I think that once you find a project you are excited about, you will see that the work won't pile up because you will be excited to move on to the next step and the one after that! And, even though 20 Time may seem like it is off topic, the research, writing, presentation, and reading skills you will be using and developing throughout the semester will benefit you in ALL of you classes. I think you’ll really enjoy yourself once you get into the swing of it!
    -Ms. Seiffert
